Drawing on the Daily Mirror's outstanding archive and Haynes Publishing's wealth of experience this book continues the successful 'CRIMES OF THE CENTURYury' series. Claire Welch has been given access to thousands of hours of investigative journalism to bring the stories of cannibal killers to light. Stories like that of Stephen Griffiths the Crossbow Cannibal who killed three sex workers in 2010 Jeffrey Dahmer the man responsible for the deaths of 17 young men and known as the Milwaukee Cannibal and Armin Meiwes who advertised on the internet for a willing victim to be slaughtered and consumed in 2001. Why do these heinous killers eat the body parts of their victims Discover the true depths of depravity of these deadly perpetrators. CRIMES OF THE CENTURYury Cannibal Killers takes a disturbing look at the minds and crimes of some of the worlds worst cannibal murderers.
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