What chap doesn't love a good pie But if you thought it was too hard to make your own at home think again. The Men's Pie Manual tells you everything you need to know about making and baking proper pies. Covering tools and equipment perfect pastry and fantastic fillings it will have you wowing your friends and family. Because when you bring a big golden pie to the table and gently break into that flakey pastry or pop a steamed pudding and let the filling slowly tumble out anyone who isn't impressed by that isn't worthy space at your table fetch their coat. Equipment - all the kit you'll need from spring form tins to rolling pins as well as how to take care of your knife. Pastry - Shortcrust to rough puff. How to make the golden casing for you pies Stocks and sauces - Can you make a cup of tea Yes Then you can make stock. It's that easy and a key component in pies. Recipes - Fancy tucking in to a huge steak and ale pie or maybe showing off your homemade Melton Mowbray pork pie to the lads What about a classic apple or cherry pie Finally even things that are almost pies such as sausage rolls pasties and beef Wellingtons are covered.
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